Authored by : Ashfaq Ahmad , Nisar Ahmad , Nadia Malik

06 Pages : 48-59


  • Ahimbisibwe, A., Tusiime, W., & Tumuhairwe, R. (2015). The moderating influence of inherent project risk on the relationship between project planning and perceived project success. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 4(3), 69-77.
  • Arnuphaptrairong, T. (2011). Top ten lists of software project risks: Evidence from the literature survey. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, 1, 1-6.
  • Bannerman, P. L. (2008). Risk and risk management in software projects: A reassessment. Journal of Systems and Software, 81(12), 2118-2133.
  • Bilal, M., Gani, A., Liaqat, M., Bashir, N., & Malik, N. (2020). Risk assessment across life cycle phases for small and medium software projects. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 15(1), 572-588.
  • Boehm, B. W. (1991). Software risk management: principles and practices. IEEE Software, 8(1), 32- 41.
  • Boholm, M. (2019). How do Swedish Government agencies define risk? Journal of Risk Research, 22(6), 717-734.
  • Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., Meidell, A., & Tran, P. (2019). Managing risk in the public sector-The interaction between vernacular and formal risk management systems. Financial Accountability & Management, 35(1), 3-19.
  • Cividino, S., Egidi, G., Zambon, I., & Colantoni, A. (2019). Evaluating the Degree of Uncertainty of Research Activities in Industry 4.0. Future Internet, 11(9), 196.
  • Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Academic press.
  • De Araújo Lima, P. F., Crema, M., & Verbano, C. (2020). Risk management in SMEs: A systematic literature review and future directions. European Management Journal, 38(1), 78-94.
  • De Bakker, K., Boonstra, A., & Wortmann, H. (2012). Risk managements' communicative effects influencing I.T. project success. International Journal of Project Management, 30(4), 444- 457.
  • Didraga, O. (2013). The role and the effects of risk management in I.T. projects success. Informatica Economica, 17(1).
  • Dingsøyr, T., Falessi, D., & Power, K. (2019). Agile development at scale: the next frontier. IEEE Software, 36(2), 30-38.
  • DOE. (2002). Basic Performance Measures for Information Technology Projects.
  • Garousi, V., Tarhan, A., Pfahl, D., Coşkunçay, A., & Demirörs, O. (2019). Correlation of critical success factors with success of software projects: an empirical investigation. Software Quality Journal, 27(1), 429-493.
  • George, D. (2011). SPSS for windows step by step: A simple study guide and reference, 17.0 update, 10/e. Pearson Education India.
  • Gupta, S. K., Gunasekaran, A., Antony, J., Gupta, S., Bag, S., & Roubaud, D. (2019). Systematic literature review of project failures: Current trends and scope for future research. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 127, 274-285.
  • Han, W.-M. (2014). Validating differential relationships between risk categories and project performance as perceived by managers. Empirical Software Engineering, 19(6), 1956- 1966.
  • Henley, E. J., & Kumamoto, H. (1996). Probabilistic risk assessment and management for engineers and scientists. IEEE Press (2nd Edition).
  • Hillson, D., & Simon, P. (2020). Practical project risk management: The ATOM methodology. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Hsieh, M.-Y., Hsu, Y.-C., & Lin, C.-T. (2018). Risk assessment in new software development projects at the front end: a fuzzy logic approach. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 9(2), 295-305.
  • Ibraigheeth, M., & Fadzli, S. A. (2019). Core factors for software projects success. JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 3(1), 69-74.
  • ISO. (2009). Risk Management: Principles and Guidelines. ISO.
  • Junior, R. R., & Carvalho, M. M. de. (2013). Understanding the impact of project risk management on project performance: An empirical study. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 8, 6
  • Kabir, M., & Rusu, L. (2016). I.T. project development using capability maturity model. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 29(4), 35-48.
  • Kaplan, S., & Garrick, B. J. (1981). On the quantitative definition of risk. Risk Analysis, 1(1), 11-27.
  • Kinyua, E., Ogollah, K., & Mburu, D. K. (2015). Effect of risk management strategies on project performance of small and medium information communication technology enterprises in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(2), 1- 30.
  • Kliem, R. L., & Ludin, I. S. (2019). Reducing project risk. Routledge.
  • Lemos, F. (2020). On the definition of risk. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions, 13(3), 266-278.
  • Liu, S., & Wang, L. (2014). Understanding the impact of risks on performance in internal and outsourced information technology projects: The role of strategic importance. International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), 1494-1510.
  • Mir, F. A., & Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), 202-217.
  • Morrison-Smith, S., & Ruiz, J. (2020). Challenges and barriers in virtual teams: a literature review. S.N. Applied Sciences, 2, 1-33.
  • Müller, R., Drouin, N., & Sankaran, S. (2019). Modeling organizational project management. Project Management Journal, 50(4), 499-513.
  • Owuori, P. J., Ngala, M., & Obwatho, S. (2020). Project Management Practices, Corporate Governance and Sustainability: A Critical Literature Review. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 4(2), 30-47.
  • Papke-Shields, K. E., Beise, C., & Quan, J. (2010). Do project managers practice what they preach, and does it matter to project success? International Journal of Project Management, 28(7), 650-662.
  • Pimchangthong, D., & Boonjing, V. (2017). Effects of risk management practices on I.T. project success. Management and Production Engineering Review, 8
  • PMI, A. (2017). Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK Guide), Newtown Square, PA, USA: Project Management Institute. Inc.
  • Rausand, M. (2013). Risk assessment: theory, methods, and applications (Vol. 115). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Reed, A. H., & Angolia, M. G. (2020). Risk management usage and impact on information systems project success. In Start-Ups and SMEs: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1065-1084). IGI Global.
  • Reed, A. H., & Knight, L. V. (2010). Project risk differences between virtual and co-located teams. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 51(1), 19-30.
  • Sharif, A. M., & Basri, S. (2014). Risk assessment factors for SME software development companies in Malaysia. 2014 International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 1-5.
  • Sharma, A., & Gupta, A. (2012). Impact of organizational climate and demographics on project specific risks in context to Indian software industry. International Journal of Project Management, 30(2), 176-187.
  • Singh, V., Schiebener, J., Müller, S. M., Liebherr, M., Brand, M., & Buelow, M. T. (2020). Country and sex differences in decision making under uncertainty and risk. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 486.
  • Å otić, A., & Rajić, R. (2015). The review of the definition of risk. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 3(3), 17-26.
  • Tavares, B. G., da Silva, C. E. S., & de Souza, A. D. (2019a). Practices to improve risk management in agile projects. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 29(03), 381-399.
  • Tavares, B. G., da Silva, C. E. S., & de Souza, A. D. (2019b). Risk management analysis in Scrum software projects. International Transactions in Operational Research, 26(5), 1884-1905
  • Tereso, A., Ribeiro, P., Fernandes, G., Loureiro, I., & Ferreira, M. (2019). Project management practices in private organizations. Project Management Journal, 50(1), 6-22.
  • Wallace, L., Keil, M., & Rai, A. (2004). How software project risk affects project performance: An investigation of the dimensions of risk and an exploratory model. Decision Sciences, 35(2), 289-321.
  • Willumsen, P., Oehmen, J., Stingl, V., & Geraldi, J. (2019). Value creation through project risk management. International Journal of Project Management, 37(5), 731-749.
  • Yaseen, M., & Ali, Z. (2019). Success Factors during Requirements Implementation in Global Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering, 8(3), 56-68.
  • Zahid, A. H., Haider, M. W., Farooq, M. S., Abid, A., & Ali, A. (2018). A critical analysis of software failure causes from project management perspectives. VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering, 13(3), 113-119.
  • Ahimbisibwe, A., Tusiime, W., & Tumuhairwe, R. (2015). The moderating influence of inherent project risk on the relationship between project planning and perceived project success. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 4(3), 69-77.
  • Arnuphaptrairong, T. (2011). Top ten lists of software project risks: Evidence from the literature survey. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, 1, 1-6.
  • Bannerman, P. L. (2008). Risk and risk management in software projects: A reassessment. Journal of Systems and Software, 81(12), 2118-2133.
  • Bilal, M., Gani, A., Liaqat, M., Bashir, N., & Malik, N. (2020). Risk assessment across life cycle phases for small and medium software projects. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 15(1), 572-588.
  • Boehm, B. W. (1991). Software risk management: principles and practices. IEEE Software, 8(1), 32- 41.
  • Boholm, M. (2019). How do Swedish Government agencies define risk? Journal of Risk Research, 22(6), 717-734.
  • Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., Meidell, A., & Tran, P. (2019). Managing risk in the public sector-The interaction between vernacular and formal risk management systems. Financial Accountability & Management, 35(1), 3-19.
  • Cividino, S., Egidi, G., Zambon, I., & Colantoni, A. (2019). Evaluating the Degree of Uncertainty of Research Activities in Industry 4.0. Future Internet, 11(9), 196.
  • Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Academic press.
  • De Araújo Lima, P. F., Crema, M., & Verbano, C. (2020). Risk management in SMEs: A systematic literature review and future directions. European Management Journal, 38(1), 78-94.
  • De Bakker, K., Boonstra, A., & Wortmann, H. (2012). Risk managements' communicative effects influencing I.T. project success. International Journal of Project Management, 30(4), 444- 457.
  • Didraga, O. (2013). The role and the effects of risk management in I.T. projects success. Informatica Economica, 17(1).
  • Dingsøyr, T., Falessi, D., & Power, K. (2019). Agile development at scale: the next frontier. IEEE Software, 36(2), 30-38.
  • DOE. (2002). Basic Performance Measures for Information Technology Projects.
  • Garousi, V., Tarhan, A., Pfahl, D., Coşkunçay, A., & Demirörs, O. (2019). Correlation of critical success factors with success of software projects: an empirical investigation. Software Quality Journal, 27(1), 429-493.
  • George, D. (2011). SPSS for windows step by step: A simple study guide and reference, 17.0 update, 10/e. Pearson Education India.
  • Gupta, S. K., Gunasekaran, A., Antony, J., Gupta, S., Bag, S., & Roubaud, D. (2019). Systematic literature review of project failures: Current trends and scope for future research. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 127, 274-285.
  • Han, W.-M. (2014). Validating differential relationships between risk categories and project performance as perceived by managers. Empirical Software Engineering, 19(6), 1956- 1966.
  • Henley, E. J., & Kumamoto, H. (1996). Probabilistic risk assessment and management for engineers and scientists. IEEE Press (2nd Edition).
  • Hillson, D., & Simon, P. (2020). Practical project risk management: The ATOM methodology. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Hsieh, M.-Y., Hsu, Y.-C., & Lin, C.-T. (2018). Risk assessment in new software development projects at the front end: a fuzzy logic approach. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 9(2), 295-305.
  • Ibraigheeth, M., & Fadzli, S. A. (2019). Core factors for software projects success. JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 3(1), 69-74.
  • ISO. (2009). Risk Management: Principles and Guidelines. ISO.
  • Junior, R. R., & Carvalho, M. M. de. (2013). Understanding the impact of project risk management on project performance: An empirical study. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 8, 6
  • Kabir, M., & Rusu, L. (2016). I.T. project development using capability maturity model. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 29(4), 35-48.
  • Kaplan, S., & Garrick, B. J. (1981). On the quantitative definition of risk. Risk Analysis, 1(1), 11-27.
  • Kinyua, E., Ogollah, K., & Mburu, D. K. (2015). Effect of risk management strategies on project performance of small and medium information communication technology enterprises in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(2), 1- 30.
  • Kliem, R. L., & Ludin, I. S. (2019). Reducing project risk. Routledge.
  • Lemos, F. (2020). On the definition of risk. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions, 13(3), 266-278.
  • Liu, S., & Wang, L. (2014). Understanding the impact of risks on performance in internal and outsourced information technology projects: The role of strategic importance. International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), 1494-1510.
  • Mir, F. A., & Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), 202-217.
  • Morrison-Smith, S., & Ruiz, J. (2020). Challenges and barriers in virtual teams: a literature review. S.N. Applied Sciences, 2, 1-33.
  • Müller, R., Drouin, N., & Sankaran, S. (2019). Modeling organizational project management. Project Management Journal, 50(4), 499-513.
  • Owuori, P. J., Ngala, M., & Obwatho, S. (2020). Project Management Practices, Corporate Governance and Sustainability: A Critical Literature Review. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 4(2), 30-47.
  • Papke-Shields, K. E., Beise, C., & Quan, J. (2010). Do project managers practice what they preach, and does it matter to project success? International Journal of Project Management, 28(7), 650-662.
  • Pimchangthong, D., & Boonjing, V. (2017). Effects of risk management practices on I.T. project success. Management and Production Engineering Review, 8
  • PMI, A. (2017). Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK Guide), Newtown Square, PA, USA: Project Management Institute. Inc.
  • Rausand, M. (2013). Risk assessment: theory, methods, and applications (Vol. 115). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Reed, A. H., & Angolia, M. G. (2020). Risk management usage and impact on information systems project success. In Start-Ups and SMEs: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1065-1084). IGI Global.
  • Reed, A. H., & Knight, L. V. (2010). Project risk differences between virtual and co-located teams. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 51(1), 19-30.
  • Sharif, A. M., & Basri, S. (2014). Risk assessment factors for SME software development companies in Malaysia. 2014 International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 1-5.
  • Sharma, A., & Gupta, A. (2012). Impact of organizational climate and demographics on project specific risks in context to Indian software industry. International Journal of Project Management, 30(2), 176-187.
  • Singh, V., Schiebener, J., Müller, S. M., Liebherr, M., Brand, M., & Buelow, M. T. (2020). Country and sex differences in decision making under uncertainty and risk. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 486.
  • Å otić, A., & Rajić, R. (2015). The review of the definition of risk. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 3(3), 17-26.
  • Tavares, B. G., da Silva, C. E. S., & de Souza, A. D. (2019a). Practices to improve risk management in agile projects. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 29(03), 381-399.
  • Tavares, B. G., da Silva, C. E. S., & de Souza, A. D. (2019b). Risk management analysis in Scrum software projects. International Transactions in Operational Research, 26(5), 1884-1905
  • Tereso, A., Ribeiro, P., Fernandes, G., Loureiro, I., & Ferreira, M. (2019). Project management practices in private organizations. Project Management Journal, 50(1), 6-22.
  • Wallace, L., Keil, M., & Rai, A. (2004). How software project risk affects project performance: An investigation of the dimensions of risk and an exploratory model. Decision Sciences, 35(2), 289-321.
  • Willumsen, P., Oehmen, J., Stingl, V., & Geraldi, J. (2019). Value creation through project risk management. International Journal of Project Management, 37(5), 731-749.
  • Yaseen, M., & Ali, Z. (2019). Success Factors during Requirements Implementation in Global Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering, 8(3), 56-68.
  • Zahid, A. H., Haider, M. W., Farooq, M. S., Abid, A., & Ali, A. (2018). A critical analysis of software failure causes from project management perspectives. VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering, 13(3), 113-119.

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    APA : Ahmad, A., Ahmad, N., & Malik, N. (2020). Impact of Risk Determinants on the Perceived Performance of Software Projects in Emerging Economies. Global Management Sciences Review, V(IV), 48-59.
    CHICAGO : Ahmad, Ashfaq, Nisar Ahmad, and Nadia Malik. 2020. "Impact of Risk Determinants on the Perceived Performance of Software Projects in Emerging Economies." Global Management Sciences Review, V (IV): 48-59 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2020(V-IV).06
    HARVARD : AHMAD, A., AHMAD, N. & MALIK, N. 2020. Impact of Risk Determinants on the Perceived Performance of Software Projects in Emerging Economies. Global Management Sciences Review, V, 48-59.
    MHRA : Ahmad, Ashfaq, Nisar Ahmad, and Nadia Malik. 2020. "Impact of Risk Determinants on the Perceived Performance of Software Projects in Emerging Economies." Global Management Sciences Review, V: 48-59
    MLA : Ahmad, Ashfaq, Nisar Ahmad, and Nadia Malik. "Impact of Risk Determinants on the Perceived Performance of Software Projects in Emerging Economies." Global Management Sciences Review, V.IV (2020): 48-59 Print.
    OXFORD : Ahmad, Ashfaq, Ahmad, Nisar, and Malik, Nadia (2020), "Impact of Risk Determinants on the Perceived Performance of Software Projects in Emerging Economies", Global Management Sciences Review, V (IV), 48-59
    TURABIAN : Ahmad, Ashfaq, Nisar Ahmad, and Nadia Malik. "Impact of Risk Determinants on the Perceived Performance of Software Projects in Emerging Economies." Global Management Sciences Review V, no. IV (2020): 48-59.