http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gmsr.2018(III-I).03      10.31703/gmsr.2018(III-I).03      Published : Dec 1
Authored by : Ahsan Ullah , Azmat Ali Shah

03 Pages : 18-27


  • Ashraf, M. & Yasir, M. (2015). Role of Social Networking Media in Political Socialization of Youth of Multan. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 35(1): 437-449
  • Aucoin, P. & Heintzman, R. (2000). The dialectics of accountability for performance in public management reform. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 66(1): 45-55.
  • Azam, M. (2008). Radicalization and Media, Conflict and Peace Studies, 1. PIPS 2008.
  • Bovens, M. (2010). Two concepts of accountability: Accountability as a virtue and as a mechanism. West European Politics, 33(5): 946-967.
  • Craig, G. (2007). The Media, Politics and public Life. Australia: Allen & Unwin.
  • Fuchs-Kittowski, F., Klassen, N. Faust, D., & Einhaus, J. (2009, September). A comparative study on the use of web 2.0 in enterprises. Paper presented at I-KNOW '09 and I-SEMANTICS '09, Graz, Austria.
  • Hayllar, M. (2000). The Importance and Attributes of Effective Accountability Relationships. Asian Review of Public Administration, 12(2): 60-80.
  • Jensen, L. (2000). Images of Accountability in Danish Public Sector Reform. Paper presented at the IPMN Conference on Learning form Experience with New Public Management, 4-6 March, Macquarie School of Management, Sydney, Australia.
  • Kugelman, M. (2012). Social media in Pakistan: catalyst for communication, not change. Norwegian Peace Building Resource Centre.
  • Leonardi, P. M., & Barley, S. R. (2008). Materiality and change: Challenges to building better theory about technology and organizing. Information and Organization, 18, 159-176.
  • McAfee, A. (2009). Enterprise 2.0: New collaborative tools for your organization's toughest challenges. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  • McQuail, D. (2005). Mass Communication Theory (5th edition). London: Sage
  • Milakovich, M. E. (2008). Balancing Customer Service, Empowerment and Performance with Citizenship, Responsiveness and Political Accountability. International Public Management Review 4(1): 61-83.
  • Owen, D. (2008). Election media and youth political engagement. Journal of Social Science Education, 7(2): 14-24.
  • Robert. H, Paul, E. J. & John, S. (2004). Political Disagreement. The Survival of Diverse Opinions within Communication Networks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Scholz, T. (2008). Market ideology and the myths of Web 2.0. First Monday, 13(3). http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/viewArticle/2138/1945.
  • Shabir, S. & Gillani, M. (2014). Impact of Social Media on Youth: A Case Study of the Bahawalpur City. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 3(4).
  • Terngu, U. S. (2010). Media, government accountability and citizens' engagement. World Education Forum.
  • Treem, J. W. (2015). Social Media as Technologies of Accountability: Explaining Resistance to Implementation within Organizations. American Behavioral Scientist 59(1): 53-74.
  • Voltmer, K. (2007).
  • Wang, Yi-ting. (2013). Satisfaction with Democracy and Democratic Accountability Strategies. Duke University p-2.
  • Warr, W. A. (2008). Social software: Fun and games, or business tools? Journal of Information Science, 34(2): 591-604.
  • Zammuto, R. F., Griffith, T. L., Majchrzak, A., Dougherty, D. J., & Faraj, S. (2007). Information technology and the changing fabric of organization. Organization Science, 18, 749-762.
  • Ashraf, M. & Yasir, M. (2015). Role of Social Networking Media in Political Socialization of Youth of Multan. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 35(1): 437-449
  • Aucoin, P. & Heintzman, R. (2000). The dialectics of accountability for performance in public management reform. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 66(1): 45-55.
  • Azam, M. (2008). Radicalization and Media, Conflict and Peace Studies, 1. PIPS 2008.
  • Bovens, M. (2010). Two concepts of accountability: Accountability as a virtue and as a mechanism. West European Politics, 33(5): 946-967.
  • Craig, G. (2007). The Media, Politics and public Life. Australia: Allen & Unwin.
  • Fuchs-Kittowski, F., Klassen, N. Faust, D., & Einhaus, J. (2009, September). A comparative study on the use of web 2.0 in enterprises. Paper presented at I-KNOW '09 and I-SEMANTICS '09, Graz, Austria.
  • Hayllar, M. (2000). The Importance and Attributes of Effective Accountability Relationships. Asian Review of Public Administration, 12(2): 60-80.
  • Jensen, L. (2000). Images of Accountability in Danish Public Sector Reform. Paper presented at the IPMN Conference on Learning form Experience with New Public Management, 4-6 March, Macquarie School of Management, Sydney, Australia.
  • Kugelman, M. (2012). Social media in Pakistan: catalyst for communication, not change. Norwegian Peace Building Resource Centre.
  • Leonardi, P. M., & Barley, S. R. (2008). Materiality and change: Challenges to building better theory about technology and organizing. Information and Organization, 18, 159-176.
  • McAfee, A. (2009). Enterprise 2.0: New collaborative tools for your organization's toughest challenges. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  • McQuail, D. (2005). Mass Communication Theory (5th edition). London: Sage
  • Milakovich, M. E. (2008). Balancing Customer Service, Empowerment and Performance with Citizenship, Responsiveness and Political Accountability. International Public Management Review 4(1): 61-83.
  • Owen, D. (2008). Election media and youth political engagement. Journal of Social Science Education, 7(2): 14-24.
  • Robert. H, Paul, E. J. & John, S. (2004). Political Disagreement. The Survival of Diverse Opinions within Communication Networks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Scholz, T. (2008). Market ideology and the myths of Web 2.0. First Monday, 13(3). http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/viewArticle/2138/1945.
  • Shabir, S. & Gillani, M. (2014). Impact of Social Media on Youth: A Case Study of the Bahawalpur City. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 3(4).
  • Terngu, U. S. (2010). Media, government accountability and citizens' engagement. World Education Forum.
  • Treem, J. W. (2015). Social Media as Technologies of Accountability: Explaining Resistance to Implementation within Organizations. American Behavioral Scientist 59(1): 53-74.
  • Voltmer, K. (2007).
  • Wang, Yi-ting. (2013). Satisfaction with Democracy and Democratic Accountability Strategies. Duke University p-2.
  • Warr, W. A. (2008). Social software: Fun and games, or business tools? Journal of Information Science, 34(2): 591-604.
  • Zammuto, R. F., Griffith, T. L., Majchrzak, A., Dougherty, D. J., & Faraj, S. (2007). Information technology and the changing fabric of organization. Organization Science, 18, 749-762.

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    APA : Ullah, A., & Shah, A. A. (2018). A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability. Global Management Sciences Review, III(I), 18-27. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmsr.2018(III-I).03
    CHICAGO : Ullah, Ahsan, and Azmat Ali Shah. 2018. "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability." Global Management Sciences Review, III (I): 18-27 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2018(III-I).03
    HARVARD : ULLAH, A. & SHAH, A. A. 2018. A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability. Global Management Sciences Review, III, 18-27.
    MHRA : Ullah, Ahsan, and Azmat Ali Shah. 2018. "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability." Global Management Sciences Review, III: 18-27
    MLA : Ullah, Ahsan, and Azmat Ali Shah. "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability." Global Management Sciences Review, III.I (2018): 18-27 Print.
    OXFORD : Ullah, Ahsan and Shah, Azmat Ali (2018), "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability", Global Management Sciences Review, III (I), 18-27
    TURABIAN : Ullah, Ahsan, and Azmat Ali Shah. "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability." Global Management Sciences Review III, no. I (2018): 18-27. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmsr.2018(III-I).03