Authored by : Salah Ud DinAhmad , MuhammadNawaz

01 Pages : 1-21


  • Abdullahi, M. S., Jakada, B. A., & Kabir, S. (2016). Challenges affecting the performance of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneur ship (JTMT), 3(1), 51‐74 .
  • Abed, S. S. (2020). Social commerce adoption using TOE framework: An empirical investigation of Saudi Arabian SMEs. International Journal of Information Management, 53, 102‐118.
  • Agwu, E. M., & Murray, P. J. (2015). Empirical study of barriers to electronic commerce adoption by Small and Medium scale businesses in Nigeria. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy. 6(2), 1‐ 19.
  • Ahmed, Z., Su, L., Rafique, K., Khan, S. Z., & Jamil, S. (2017). A study on the factors affecting consumer buying behavior towards online shopping in Pakistan. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 7(2), 44‐56.
  • Alam, S.S.; Ali, M.H.; Omar, N.A.; Hussain, W.M.H.W. (2020). Customer satisfaction in online shopping in growing markets: An empirical study. Int. J. Asian Bus. Inf. Manag. 11, 78–91.
  • Alyoubi, B. A. (2015). Decision support system and knowledge‐based strategic management. Procedia Computer Science, 65, 278‐284.
  • Anjum, S., & Chai, J. (2020). Drivers of cash‐on‐ delivery method of payment in e‐commerce shopping: Evidence from Pakistan. Sage Open, 10(3),1‐14 .
  • Arromdee, J., & Suntrayuth, S. (2020). E‐ commerce adoption for rice selling in Thailand: an empirical study. Thailand and The World Economy, 38(2), 88‐118.
  • Barham, H.; Dabic, M.; Daim, T.; Shifrer, D. (2020). The role of management support for the implementation of open innovation practices in firms. Technol. Soc., 63.
  • Bhatti, A., & Rehman, S. U. (2020). Perceived benefits and perceived risks effect on online shopping behavior with the mediating role of consumer purchase intention in Pakistan. International Journal of Management Studies, 26(1), 33‐54.
  • Billal, H. M., Shin, H. K., & Sim, W. J. (2019). Critical success factors (CSF) on e‐ commerce adoption in Bangladesh SMEs. Management Review: An International Journal, 14(1), 51‐81.
  • Chen, Y., & Zhu, J.(2004). Measuring information technology’s indirect impact on firm performance. Inf. Technol. Manag., 5, 9–22.
  • Chiejina, C., & Olamide, S. E. (2014). Investigating the significance of the “pay on delivery” option in the emerging prosperity of the Nigerian e‐commerce sector. Journal of Marketing and Management, 5(1), 120–135
  • Choshin, M., & Ghaffari, A. (2017). An investigation of the impact of effective factors on the success of e‐commerce in small‐and medium‐sized companies. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 67‐74.
  • Elbeltagi, I., Hamad, H., Moizer, J., & Abou‐ Shouk, M. A. (2016). Levels of business to business e‐commerce adoption and competitive advantage in small and medium‐sized enterprises: a comparison study between Egypt and the United States. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 19(1), 6‐25.
  • Fan, Q. (2019). An exploratory study of cross border e‐commerce (CBEC) in China: opportunities and challenges for small to medium size enterprises (SMEs). International Journal of E- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI), 9(1), 23‐29.
  • Gefen, D., & Straub, D. (2005). A practical guide to factorial validity using PLS‐Graph: Tutorial and annotated example. Communications of the Association for Information systems, 16(1), 5.
  • Gold, A. H., Malhotra, A., & Segars, A. H. (2001). Knowledge management: an organizational capabilities perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(1), 185‐ 214.
  • Govinnage, D. Y., & Sachitra, K. M. V. (2019). Factors affecting e‐commerce adoption of small and medium enterprises in Sri Lanka: Evidence from retail sector. Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports, 6(2), 1‐10.
  • Gunawardana, K. (2020). E‐Commerce in Small and Medium Enterprises in Sri Lanka. In Start‐Ups and SMEs: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications; IGI Global: Hershey, PA, USA, 634–649.‐1‐7998‐1760‐4.ch034
  • Hair, J.F. Jr. and Lukas, B. (2014), Marketing Research, 2, McGraw‐Hill Education, New York.
  • Halaweh, M. (2018). Cash on delivery (COD) as an alternative payment method for e‐ commerce transactions: Analysis and implications. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD), 10(4), 1‐12.
  • Hamad, H., Elbeltagi, I., & El‐Gohary, H. (2018). An empirical investigation of business‐to‐ business e‐commerce adoption and its impact on SMEs competitive advantage: The case of Egyptian manufacturing SMEs. Strategic Change, 27(3), 209‐229.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2009), The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing, New Challenges to International Marketing, Emerald Group Publishing, 277‐319.‐7979(2009)000002001
  • Hira, A., & Reilly, K. (2017). The emergence of the sharing economy: Implications for development. Journal of Developing Societies, 33(2), 175‐190.
  • Hussain, A., Shahzad, A., Hassan, R., & Doski, S. A. (2021). COVID‐19 impact on B2B e‐ commerce: A multi‐group analysis of sports and surgical SME's. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 15(1), 166‐195.
  • Hussain, N., Li, B., & Sahibzada, H. E. (2023). Government support to Pakistani women entrepreneurs during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Public Administration and Policy, 26(1), 80‐92.‐02‐2022‐0010
  • Hussein, L. A., Baharudin, A. S., Jayaraman, K., & Kiumarsi, S. (2019). B2B e‐commerce technology factors with mediating effect perceived usefulness in Jordanian manufacturing SMES. J. Eng. Sci. Technol. 14, 411–429.
  • Hyder, S., & Lussier, R. N. (2016). Why businesses succeed or fail: a study on small businesses in Pakistan. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 8(1), 82‐100.‐03‐2015‐0020
  • Imtiaz, S., Ali, S. H., & Kim, D. J. (2020). E‐ commerce growth in Pakistan: Privacy, security, and trust as potential issues. Culinary Science & Hospitality Research, 26(2), 10‐18.
  • Jana, S. K. (2017). Measure of e‐cash on delivery payment convenience option in the context of demonetization and its effect on customer loyalty. Journal of Business Management,16(3), 1–9.
  • Kabir, A. I., Jakowan, M., Bosu, J., MOHSIN, M., & Hamim, R. (2020). The Emergence of E‐ Commerce Sites and Its Contribution towards the Economic Growth of Bangladesh: A Quantitative Study. Informatica Economica, 24(3).
  • Kahraman, M., Tektas, A., & Coskun, A. (2019). The Access to Finance by SMEs in Turkey and the EU: A Comparative Study. Press Academia Procedia, 10(1), 1‐6.
  • Kapurubandara, M., & Lawson, R. (2006). Barriers to Adopting ICT and e‐commerce with SMEs in developing countries: an Exploratory study in Sri Lanka. University of Western Sydney, Australia, 82(1), 2005‐2016.
  • Khan, A. J., Tufail, S., & Ali, A. (2021). Factors Affecting Performance of Small &Medium Enterprises: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Management. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 197‐209.
  • Khattak, J. K., Arslan, M., & Umair, M. (2011). SMEs’ export problems in Pakistan. E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics, 2(5), 192‐199.
  • Kim, D. J., Ferrin, D. L., & Rao, H. R. (2009). Trust and satisfaction, two stepping stones for successful e‐commerce relationships: A longitudinal exploration. Information systems research, 20(2), 237‐257.
  • Kurnia, S., Choudrie, J., Mahbubur, R. M., & Alzougool, B. (2015). E‐commerce technology adoption: A Malaysian grocery SME retail sector study. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1906‐1918.
  • Kuruwitaarachchi, N., Yajid, M. S. A., Khatibi, A., & Azam, S. F. (2020). Information technology factors influence the adoption to ecommerce in small and medium scale organizations in Sri Lanka: a research agenda. Int. J. e-Education E-bus. e- Management e-Learning, 10(1), 95‐103.‐103
  • Lee, C., Narjoko, D. A., & Oum, S. (Eds.). (2019). SMEs and economic integration in Southeast Asia. ISEAS‐Yusof Ishak Institute
  • Lei, M., & Lomax, R. G. (2005). The effect of varying degrees of nonnormality in structural equation modeling. Structural equation modeling, 12(1), 1‐27.
  • Liang, H., Saraf, N., Hu, Q., & Xue, Y. (2007). Assimilation of enterprise systems: The effect of institutional pressures and the mediating role of top management. MIS Q., 31, 59–87.
  • Mohtaramzadeh, M., Ramayah, T., & Jun‐Hwa, C. (2018). B2B e‐commerce adoption in Iranian manufacturing companies: Analyzing the moderating role of organizational culture. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 34(7), 621‐ 639.
  • Nizamani, U. (2019). Internet governance and Pakistan’s digital economy. Journal of Current Affairs, 3(2), 23‐49.
  • Ocloo, C. E., Xuhua, H., Akaba, S., Addai, M., Worwui‐Brown, D. K., & Spio‐Kwofie, A. (2018). B2B E‐commerce adoption amongst manufacturing SMEs: An evidence from Ghana. Australian Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 8(1).
  • Palm, J. (2018). Household installation of solar panels–Motives and barriers in a 10‐year perspective. Energy Policy, 113, 1‐8.
  • Peterson, R.A. and Kim, Y. (2013). On the relationship between coefficient alpha and composite reliability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(1), 194.
  • Putri, Y. E., Wiryono, S. K., Nainggolan, Y. A., & Cahyono, T. D. (2019). Method of payment adoption in Indonesia e‐commerce. The Asian Journal of Technology Management, 12(2), 94‐102.
  • Rao, P., Kumar, S., Chavan, M., & Lim, W. M. (2021). A systematic literature review on SME financing: Trends and future directions. Journal of Small Business Management, 1‐31.
  • Ratten, V. (2014). Future research directions for collective entrepreneurship in developing countries: a small and medium‐sized enterprise perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 22(2), 266‐274.
  • Raza, S., Minai, M. S., Zain, A. Y. M., Tariq, T. A., & Khuwaja, F. M. (2018). Dissection of small businesses in Pakistan: Issues and directions. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(4), 1‐13.
  • Scupola, A. (2009). SMEs'e‐commerce adoption: perspectives from Denmark and Australia. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 22(1/2), 152‐166.
  • Sekaran, U. (2004). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, 4th ed.; John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY, USA.
  • Shahzad, A., Hassan, R., Abdullah, N. I., Hussain, A., & Fareed, M. (2020). COVID‐19 impact on e‐commerce usage: An empirical evidence from Malaysian healthcare industry. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(3), 599‐609.
  • Shaltoni, A. M., West, D., Alnawas, I., & Shatnawi, T. (2018). Electronic marketing orientation in the Small and Medium‐sized Enterprises context. European Business Review, 30(3), 272‐284.‐02‐2017‐0034
  • Sheikh, A. A., Rana, N. A., Inam, A., Shahzad, A., & Awan, H. M. (2018). Is e‐marketing a source of sustainable business performance? Predicting the role of top management support with various interaction factors. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1516487.
  • Shiau, W. L., Sarstedt, M., & Hair, J. F. (2019). Internet research using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS‐SEM). Internet Research, 29(3), 398‐406.‐10‐2018‐0447
  • Sila, I. (2013). Factors affecting the adoption of B2B e‐commerce technologies. Electron. Commer. Res.13, 199–236.‐013‐9110‐7
  • Singh, S. K., Del Giudice, M., Tarba, S. Y., & De Bernardi, P. (2019). Top management team shared leadership, market‐oriented culture, innovation capability, and firm performance. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
  • Sultan, A. A., Noor, S. M., & Nasirun, N. (2018). Technological factors and e‐commerce adoption among small medium enterprises in Kurdistan, Iraq. Int. J. Eng. Technol, 7(3.5), 98‐101.
  • Tajudeen, F. P., Jaafar, N. I., & Ainin, S. (2018). Understanding the impact of social media usage among organizations. Inf. Manag. 55, 308–321.
  • Terzis, V., & Economides, A. A. (2011). The acceptance and use of computer based assessment. Computers & Education, 56(4), 1032–1044.
  • Trang, S. T. N., Zander, S., de Visser, B., & Kolbe, L. M. (2016). Towards an importance– performance analysis of factors affecting e‐ business diffusion in the wood industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 110, 121‐131.
  • Wang, Y., Fan, R., Shen, L., & Miller, W. (2020). Recycling decisions of low‐carbon e‐ commerce closed‐loop supply chain under government subsidy mechanism and altruistic preference. Journal of Cleaner Production, 259, 120883.
  • Wymer, S. A., & Regan, E. A. (2015). Factors influencing e‐commerce adoption and the use of small and medium businesses. Electron. Mark. 15, 438–453.
  • Yoon, B., Shin, J., & Lee, S. (2016). Open innovation projects in SMEs as an engine for sustainable growth. Sustainability. 8, 146.
  • Yun, J. J., & Liu, Z. (2019). Micro‐and macro‐ dynamics of open innovation with a quadruple‐helix model. Sustainability, 11(12), 3301.
  • Zhu, K., & Kraemer, K. L. (2005). “Post‐ adoption variations in usage and value of e‐business by organizations: cross‐country evidence from the retail industry”, Information Systems Research. 16 (1), 61‐84.
  • Abdullahi, M. S., Jakada, B. A., & Kabir, S. (2016). Challenges affecting the performance of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneur ship (JTMT), 3(1), 51‐74 .
  • Abed, S. S. (2020). Social commerce adoption using TOE framework: An empirical investigation of Saudi Arabian SMEs. International Journal of Information Management, 53, 102‐118.
  • Agwu, E. M., & Murray, P. J. (2015). Empirical study of barriers to electronic commerce adoption by Small and Medium scale businesses in Nigeria. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy. 6(2), 1‐ 19.
  • Ahmed, Z., Su, L., Rafique, K., Khan, S. Z., & Jamil, S. (2017). A study on the factors affecting consumer buying behavior towards online shopping in Pakistan. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 7(2), 44‐56.
  • Alam, S.S.; Ali, M.H.; Omar, N.A.; Hussain, W.M.H.W. (2020). Customer satisfaction in online shopping in growing markets: An empirical study. Int. J. Asian Bus. Inf. Manag. 11, 78–91.
  • Alyoubi, B. A. (2015). Decision support system and knowledge‐based strategic management. Procedia Computer Science, 65, 278‐284.
  • Anjum, S., & Chai, J. (2020). Drivers of cash‐on‐ delivery method of payment in e‐commerce shopping: Evidence from Pakistan. Sage Open, 10(3),1‐14 .
  • Arromdee, J., & Suntrayuth, S. (2020). E‐ commerce adoption for rice selling in Thailand: an empirical study. Thailand and The World Economy, 38(2), 88‐118.
  • Barham, H.; Dabic, M.; Daim, T.; Shifrer, D. (2020). The role of management support for the implementation of open innovation practices in firms. Technol. Soc., 63.
  • Bhatti, A., & Rehman, S. U. (2020). Perceived benefits and perceived risks effect on online shopping behavior with the mediating role of consumer purchase intention in Pakistan. International Journal of Management Studies, 26(1), 33‐54.
  • Billal, H. M., Shin, H. K., & Sim, W. J. (2019). Critical success factors (CSF) on e‐ commerce adoption in Bangladesh SMEs. Management Review: An International Journal, 14(1), 51‐81.
  • Chen, Y., & Zhu, J.(2004). Measuring information technology’s indirect impact on firm performance. Inf. Technol. Manag., 5, 9–22.
  • Chiejina, C., & Olamide, S. E. (2014). Investigating the significance of the “pay on delivery” option in the emerging prosperity of the Nigerian e‐commerce sector. Journal of Marketing and Management, 5(1), 120–135
  • Choshin, M., & Ghaffari, A. (2017). An investigation of the impact of effective factors on the success of e‐commerce in small‐and medium‐sized companies. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 67‐74.
  • Elbeltagi, I., Hamad, H., Moizer, J., & Abou‐ Shouk, M. A. (2016). Levels of business to business e‐commerce adoption and competitive advantage in small and medium‐sized enterprises: a comparison study between Egypt and the United States. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 19(1), 6‐25.
  • Fan, Q. (2019). An exploratory study of cross border e‐commerce (CBEC) in China: opportunities and challenges for small to medium size enterprises (SMEs). International Journal of E- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI), 9(1), 23‐29.
  • Gefen, D., & Straub, D. (2005). A practical guide to factorial validity using PLS‐Graph: Tutorial and annotated example. Communications of the Association for Information systems, 16(1), 5.
  • Gold, A. H., Malhotra, A., & Segars, A. H. (2001). Knowledge management: an organizational capabilities perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(1), 185‐ 214.
  • Govinnage, D. Y., & Sachitra, K. M. V. (2019). Factors affecting e‐commerce adoption of small and medium enterprises in Sri Lanka: Evidence from retail sector. Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports, 6(2), 1‐10.
  • Gunawardana, K. (2020). E‐Commerce in Small and Medium Enterprises in Sri Lanka. In Start‐Ups and SMEs: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications; IGI Global: Hershey, PA, USA, 634–649.‐1‐7998‐1760‐4.ch034
  • Hair, J.F. Jr. and Lukas, B. (2014), Marketing Research, 2, McGraw‐Hill Education, New York.
  • Halaweh, M. (2018). Cash on delivery (COD) as an alternative payment method for e‐ commerce transactions: Analysis and implications. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD), 10(4), 1‐12.
  • Hamad, H., Elbeltagi, I., & El‐Gohary, H. (2018). An empirical investigation of business‐to‐ business e‐commerce adoption and its impact on SMEs competitive advantage: The case of Egyptian manufacturing SMEs. Strategic Change, 27(3), 209‐229.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2009), The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing, New Challenges to International Marketing, Emerald Group Publishing, 277‐319.‐7979(2009)000002001
  • Hira, A., & Reilly, K. (2017). The emergence of the sharing economy: Implications for development. Journal of Developing Societies, 33(2), 175‐190.
  • Hussain, A., Shahzad, A., Hassan, R., & Doski, S. A. (2021). COVID‐19 impact on B2B e‐ commerce: A multi‐group analysis of sports and surgical SME's. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 15(1), 166‐195.
  • Hussain, N., Li, B., & Sahibzada, H. E. (2023). Government support to Pakistani women entrepreneurs during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Public Administration and Policy, 26(1), 80‐92.‐02‐2022‐0010
  • Hussein, L. A., Baharudin, A. S., Jayaraman, K., & Kiumarsi, S. (2019). B2B e‐commerce technology factors with mediating effect perceived usefulness in Jordanian manufacturing SMES. J. Eng. Sci. Technol. 14, 411–429.
  • Hyder, S., & Lussier, R. N. (2016). Why businesses succeed or fail: a study on small businesses in Pakistan. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 8(1), 82‐100.‐03‐2015‐0020
  • Imtiaz, S., Ali, S. H., & Kim, D. J. (2020). E‐ commerce growth in Pakistan: Privacy, security, and trust as potential issues. Culinary Science & Hospitality Research, 26(2), 10‐18.
  • Jana, S. K. (2017). Measure of e‐cash on delivery payment convenience option in the context of demonetization and its effect on customer loyalty. Journal of Business Management,16(3), 1–9.
  • Kabir, A. I., Jakowan, M., Bosu, J., MOHSIN, M., & Hamim, R. (2020). The Emergence of E‐ Commerce Sites and Its Contribution towards the Economic Growth of Bangladesh: A Quantitative Study. Informatica Economica, 24(3).
  • Kahraman, M., Tektas, A., & Coskun, A. (2019). The Access to Finance by SMEs in Turkey and the EU: A Comparative Study. Press Academia Procedia, 10(1), 1‐6.
  • Kapurubandara, M., & Lawson, R. (2006). Barriers to Adopting ICT and e‐commerce with SMEs in developing countries: an Exploratory study in Sri Lanka. University of Western Sydney, Australia, 82(1), 2005‐2016.
  • Khan, A. J., Tufail, S., & Ali, A. (2021). Factors Affecting Performance of Small &Medium Enterprises: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Management. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 197‐209.
  • Khattak, J. K., Arslan, M., & Umair, M. (2011). SMEs’ export problems in Pakistan. E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics, 2(5), 192‐199.
  • Kim, D. J., Ferrin, D. L., & Rao, H. R. (2009). Trust and satisfaction, two stepping stones for successful e‐commerce relationships: A longitudinal exploration. Information systems research, 20(2), 237‐257.
  • Kurnia, S., Choudrie, J., Mahbubur, R. M., & Alzougool, B. (2015). E‐commerce technology adoption: A Malaysian grocery SME retail sector study. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1906‐1918.
  • Kuruwitaarachchi, N., Yajid, M. S. A., Khatibi, A., & Azam, S. F. (2020). Information technology factors influence the adoption to ecommerce in small and medium scale organizations in Sri Lanka: a research agenda. Int. J. e-Education E-bus. e- Management e-Learning, 10(1), 95‐103.‐103
  • Lee, C., Narjoko, D. A., & Oum, S. (Eds.). (2019). SMEs and economic integration in Southeast Asia. ISEAS‐Yusof Ishak Institute
  • Lei, M., & Lomax, R. G. (2005). The effect of varying degrees of nonnormality in structural equation modeling. Structural equation modeling, 12(1), 1‐27.
  • Liang, H., Saraf, N., Hu, Q., & Xue, Y. (2007). Assimilation of enterprise systems: The effect of institutional pressures and the mediating role of top management. MIS Q., 31, 59–87.
  • Mohtaramzadeh, M., Ramayah, T., & Jun‐Hwa, C. (2018). B2B e‐commerce adoption in Iranian manufacturing companies: Analyzing the moderating role of organizational culture. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 34(7), 621‐ 639.
  • Nizamani, U. (2019). Internet governance and Pakistan’s digital economy. Journal of Current Affairs, 3(2), 23‐49.
  • Ocloo, C. E., Xuhua, H., Akaba, S., Addai, M., Worwui‐Brown, D. K., & Spio‐Kwofie, A. (2018). B2B E‐commerce adoption amongst manufacturing SMEs: An evidence from Ghana. Australian Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 8(1).
  • Palm, J. (2018). Household installation of solar panels–Motives and barriers in a 10‐year perspective. Energy Policy, 113, 1‐8.
  • Peterson, R.A. and Kim, Y. (2013). On the relationship between coefficient alpha and composite reliability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(1), 194.
  • Putri, Y. E., Wiryono, S. K., Nainggolan, Y. A., & Cahyono, T. D. (2019). Method of payment adoption in Indonesia e‐commerce. The Asian Journal of Technology Management, 12(2), 94‐102.
  • Rao, P., Kumar, S., Chavan, M., & Lim, W. M. (2021). A systematic literature review on SME financing: Trends and future directions. Journal of Small Business Management, 1‐31.
  • Ratten, V. (2014). Future research directions for collective entrepreneurship in developing countries: a small and medium‐sized enterprise perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 22(2), 266‐274.
  • Raza, S., Minai, M. S., Zain, A. Y. M., Tariq, T. A., & Khuwaja, F. M. (2018). Dissection of small businesses in Pakistan: Issues and directions. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(4), 1‐13.
  • Scupola, A. (2009). SMEs'e‐commerce adoption: perspectives from Denmark and Australia. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 22(1/2), 152‐166.
  • Sekaran, U. (2004). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, 4th ed.; John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY, USA.
  • Shahzad, A., Hassan, R., Abdullah, N. I., Hussain, A., & Fareed, M. (2020). COVID‐19 impact on e‐commerce usage: An empirical evidence from Malaysian healthcare industry. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(3), 599‐609.
  • Shaltoni, A. M., West, D., Alnawas, I., & Shatnawi, T. (2018). Electronic marketing orientation in the Small and Medium‐sized Enterprises context. European Business Review, 30(3), 272‐284.‐02‐2017‐0034
  • Sheikh, A. A., Rana, N. A., Inam, A., Shahzad, A., & Awan, H. M. (2018). Is e‐marketing a source of sustainable business performance? Predicting the role of top management support with various interaction factors. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1516487.
  • Shiau, W. L., Sarstedt, M., & Hair, J. F. (2019). Internet research using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS‐SEM). Internet Research, 29(3), 398‐406.‐10‐2018‐0447
  • Sila, I. (2013). Factors affecting the adoption of B2B e‐commerce technologies. Electron. Commer. Res.13, 199–236.‐013‐9110‐7
  • Singh, S. K., Del Giudice, M., Tarba, S. Y., & De Bernardi, P. (2019). Top management team shared leadership, market‐oriented culture, innovation capability, and firm performance. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
  • Sultan, A. A., Noor, S. M., & Nasirun, N. (2018). Technological factors and e‐commerce adoption among small medium enterprises in Kurdistan, Iraq. Int. J. Eng. Technol, 7(3.5), 98‐101.
  • Tajudeen, F. P., Jaafar, N. I., & Ainin, S. (2018). Understanding the impact of social media usage among organizations. Inf. Manag. 55, 308–321.
  • Terzis, V., & Economides, A. A. (2011). The acceptance and use of computer based assessment. Computers & Education, 56(4), 1032–1044.
  • Trang, S. T. N., Zander, S., de Visser, B., & Kolbe, L. M. (2016). Towards an importance– performance analysis of factors affecting e‐ business diffusion in the wood industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 110, 121‐131.
  • Wang, Y., Fan, R., Shen, L., & Miller, W. (2020). Recycling decisions of low‐carbon e‐ commerce closed‐loop supply chain under government subsidy mechanism and altruistic preference. Journal of Cleaner Production, 259, 120883.
  • Wymer, S. A., & Regan, E. A. (2015). Factors influencing e‐commerce adoption and the use of small and medium businesses. Electron. Mark. 15, 438–453.
  • Yoon, B., Shin, J., & Lee, S. (2016). Open innovation projects in SMEs as an engine for sustainable growth. Sustainability. 8, 146.
  • Yun, J. J., & Liu, Z. (2019). Micro‐and macro‐ dynamics of open innovation with a quadruple‐helix model. Sustainability, 11(12), 3301.
  • Zhu, K., & Kraemer, K. L. (2005). “Post‐ adoption variations in usage and value of e‐business by organizations: cross‐country evidence from the retail industry”, Information Systems Research. 16 (1), 61‐84.

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    APA : Ahmad, S. U. D., & Nawaz, M. (2023). E-Commerce Adoption: Enablers within Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Punjab. Global Management Sciences Review, VIII(I), 1-21.
    CHICAGO : Ahmad, Salah Ud Din, and Muhammad Nawaz. 2023. "E-Commerce Adoption: Enablers within Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Punjab." Global Management Sciences Review, VIII (I): 1-21 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2023(VIII-I).01
    HARVARD : AHMAD, S. U. D. & NAWAZ, M. 2023. E-Commerce Adoption: Enablers within Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Punjab. Global Management Sciences Review, VIII, 1-21.
    MHRA : Ahmad, Salah Ud Din, and Muhammad Nawaz. 2023. "E-Commerce Adoption: Enablers within Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Punjab." Global Management Sciences Review, VIII: 1-21
    MLA : Ahmad, Salah Ud Din, and Muhammad Nawaz. "E-Commerce Adoption: Enablers within Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Punjab." Global Management Sciences Review, VIII.I (2023): 1-21 Print.
    OXFORD : Ahmad, Salah Ud Din and Nawaz, Muhammad (2023), "E-Commerce Adoption: Enablers within Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Punjab", Global Management Sciences Review, VIII (I), 1-21
    TURABIAN : Ahmad, Salah Ud Din, and Muhammad Nawaz. "E-Commerce Adoption: Enablers within Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises in Punjab." Global Management Sciences Review VIII, no. I (2023): 1-21.