03 Pages : 18-27      10.31703/gmsr.2018(III-I).03      Published : Dec 2018

A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability

    This research article was intended for finding the role of media in fostering government accountability in Pakistan. Furthermore, the mediating role of political parties was also checked through mediation analysis. This study utilized the information brought together through a structured adapted questionnaire among the participants of this study chosen through probability sampling technique from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. It was revealed that through the analysis of the primary data that there is a considerable association found between media and government accountability. Furthermore, it was also proved that the media could significantly predict accountability. The data also revealed that people believed that political parties have a significant mediating role between media and government accountability. This study concluded that the media revolution in the advent of new kinds of media, conventional and non-conventional, has also had a profound impact on government accountability.

    Conventional Media, New Media, Accountability, Political Parties
    (1) Ahsan Ullah
    PhD Scholar, Department of Political Science, Qurtuba University, D.I.Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Azmat Ali Shah
    Assistant Professor, Qurtuba University, D.I.Khan, KP, Pakistan.
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    APA : Ullah, A., & Shah, A. A. (2018). A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability. Global Management Sciences Review, III(I), 18-27.
    CHICAGO : Ullah, Ahsan, and Azmat Ali Shah. 2018. "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability." Global Management Sciences Review, III (I): 18-27 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2018(III-I).03
    HARVARD : ULLAH, A. & SHAH, A. A. 2018. A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability. Global Management Sciences Review, III, 18-27.
    MHRA : Ullah, Ahsan, and Azmat Ali Shah. 2018. "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability." Global Management Sciences Review, III: 18-27
    MLA : Ullah, Ahsan, and Azmat Ali Shah. "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability." Global Management Sciences Review, III.I (2018): 18-27 Print.
    OXFORD : Ullah, Ahsan and Shah, Azmat Ali (2018), "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability", Global Management Sciences Review, III (I), 18-27
    TURABIAN : Ullah, Ahsan, and Azmat Ali Shah. "A Systematic Inquiry of Media Efficacy in Pakistan with Respect to Government Accountability." Global Management Sciences Review III, no. I (2018): 18-27.