03 Pages : 23-31      10.31703/gmsr.2020(V-III).03      Published : Sep 2020

Role of Framing towards Islamic Business Engagement in Asia: A Case of Pakistan

    The aim of this study is to examine the phenomenon of framing as a cause of making wrong decisions while investing in Islamic stocks. Framing refers to the bias of people that describes the way they respond to a specific option as per its offer. After collecting primary data through interviews, including open-ended questions from the Pakistani stock market under the subjective or constructivist research paradigm, NVivo it is applied to get word cloud for appropriate analysis. The study finds that there are so many complexities and impurities that blindfold brokers and investors to differentiate between Shariah-compliant versus conventional stocks. This research can be further extended by differentiating between long-term and short-term investment horizons.

    Behavioral Finance, Islamic Business, Framing, Islamic Finance
    (1) Muhammad Awais
    Assistant Professor, Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Waqar Haider Hashmi
    PhD Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Adeel Mustafa
    PhD Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Awais, M., Hashmi, W. H., & Mustafa, A. (2020). Role of Framing towards Islamic Business Engagement in Asia: A Case of Pakistan. Global Management Sciences Review, V(III), 23-31.
    CHICAGO : Awais, Muhammad, Waqar Haider Hashmi, and Adeel Mustafa. 2020. "Role of Framing towards Islamic Business Engagement in Asia: A Case of Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, V (III): 23-31 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2020(V-III).03
    HARVARD : AWAIS, M., HASHMI, W. H. & MUSTAFA, A. 2020. Role of Framing towards Islamic Business Engagement in Asia: A Case of Pakistan. Global Management Sciences Review, V, 23-31.
    MHRA : Awais, Muhammad, Waqar Haider Hashmi, and Adeel Mustafa. 2020. "Role of Framing towards Islamic Business Engagement in Asia: A Case of Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, V: 23-31
    MLA : Awais, Muhammad, Waqar Haider Hashmi, and Adeel Mustafa. "Role of Framing towards Islamic Business Engagement in Asia: A Case of Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, V.III (2020): 23-31 Print.
    OXFORD : Awais, Muhammad, Hashmi, Waqar Haider, and Mustafa, Adeel (2020), "Role of Framing towards Islamic Business Engagement in Asia: A Case of Pakistan", Global Management Sciences Review, V (III), 23-31
    TURABIAN : Awais, Muhammad, Waqar Haider Hashmi, and Adeel Mustafa. "Role of Framing towards Islamic Business Engagement in Asia: A Case of Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review V, no. III (2020): 23-31.