Authored by : Muhammad Najeeb , Talat Hussain

01 Pages : 1-19


  • Abu-Bader, S., & Abu-Qarn, A. S. (2008). Financial development and economic growth: empirical evidence from six MENA countries. Review of Development Economics, 12(4), 803-817.
  • Afolabi, M. O. (2013). Growth effect of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) financing in Nigeria. Journal of African Macroeconomic Review, 3(1),
  • Ahmed, S. M., & Ansari, M. I. (1998). Financial sector development and economic growth: The South-Asian experience. Journal of Asian Economics, 9(3), 503-517.
  • Ardic, O. P., & Damar, H. E. (2006). Financial Sector Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey. Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies (MEEA Online Journal).
  • Amrullah, A. (2017). Relationship of family role with puskesmas services in family members that suffer kusta disease. Muhammadiyah Nursing Journal , 1(1), 72-78.
  • Beck, T., Demirgüc-Kunt, A., & Levine, R. (2007). Finance, Inequality and the Poor, Journal of
  • Economic Growth 12, 27–49.
  • Ben Naceur, S. (2014). Access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises in the MENAP and CCA regions. International Monetary Fund.
  • Bigirimana, M., & Hongyi, X. (2018). Research on Relationship between Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth of Rwanda: Evidence from Commercial Banks with ARDL Approach. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 4(1),7-18.
  • Brito, D. L., & Hartley P. R. (1995). “Consumer Rationality and Credit Cards”, Journal of Political Economy, 103, 400-33.
  • Bruhn, M., & Love, I. (2014). The real impact of improved access to finance: Evidence from Mexico. The Journal of Finance, 69(3), 1347-1376.
  • Cameron, R. E. (1967). Banking in the early stages of industrialization: a study in comparative economic history. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Chami, R., Fullenkamp, C., & Jahjah, S. (2005). ‘Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source of Capital for Development?’. Washington, DC: IMF.
  • Chapra, M. U. (1979). Objectives of the Islamic Economic Order, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
  • Chaudhry, M. S. (1999). Fundamentals of Islamic Economic System, Burhan Education and Welfare Trust, Lahore.
  • Chow, K. M., & Li, P. K. T. (2012). Dialysis: Choice of dialysis—what to do with economic incentives. Nature Reviews Nephrology, 8(9), 495.
  • Collins, D., Murdoch, J., Rutherford, S., & Ruthven, O. (2009). Portfolios of the Poor: How the world's poor live on $ 2 a day, (Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press).
  • Columba, F. (2009), “Narrow money and transaction technology: new disaggregated evidence”, Journal of Economics and Business, 61, 312-325.
  • Convoy, J. (2005). APEC and Financial Inclusion: Missed Opportunities for Collective Action? Assia-Pacific Development Journal, 12(1),
  • Daly, S., & Frikha, M. (2016). Banks and economic growth in developing countries: What about Islamic banks?. Cogent Economics & Finance, 4(1), 1168728.
  • Demetriades, P. O., & Luintel, K. B. (1996). Financial development, economic growth and banking sector controls: evidence from India. The Economic Journal, 106(435), 359- 374.
  • Demirguc-Kunt, A., & Klapper, L. (2012). Measuring financial inclusion: The global findex database. The World Bank.
  • Demirguc-Kunt, A., & Levine, R. E. (2008). Finance Financial sector policies, and Long Run
  • Growth" M. sperce Growth commission Background paper, No 11 Washington, D. C. world Bank.
  • Drehmann, M., Goodhart, C., & Krueger, M. (2002). The Challenges Facing Currency Usage: Will the Traditional Transaction Medium Be Able to Resist Competition from the New Technologies?, Economic Policy – a European Forum, 17(34), 193–228.
  • Evans, O. (2015). The effects of economic and financial development on financial inclusion in Africa.
  • Gardeva, A. & Rhyne, E. (2011). Opportunities and Obstacles to Financial Inclusion Survey
  • Report. Center for Financial Inclusion Publication
  • Goldberger, J. J., Bonow, R. O., Cuffe, M., Dyer, A., Greenland, P., Rosenberg, Y., & Smith, S. (2008). Post–myocardial infarction β- blocker therapy: The bradycardia conundrum. Rationale and design for the Pacemaker & β-blocker therapy post-MI (PACE-MI) trial. American heart journal, 155(3), 455-464.
  • Han, R., & Melecky, M. (2013). Financial Inclusion for Financial Stability: Access to Bank Deposits and the Growth of Deposits in the Global Financial Crisis. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 6577, World Bank
  • Hariharan, G., & Marktanner, M. (2012). The growth potential from financial inclusion. ICA Institute and Kennesaw State University.
  • Hasan, I., De Renzis, T., & Schmiedel, H. (2012). Retail payments and economic growth.
  • Humphrey, D. B., Pulley, L. B., & Vesala, J. M. (1996). “Cash, Paper and Electronic Payments: A Cross-Country Analysis”. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 28, 914- 39.
  • Ifeakachukwu, N. P., & Olasunkanmi, O. I. (2013). The impact of banks loan to SMES on manufacturing output in Nigeria. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 4(5), 212– 217.
  • Joseph, J., & Varghese, T. (2014). Role of financial inclusion in the development of Indian economy. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 5, 6-13.
  • Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age International. Kim, D. W., Yu, J. S., & Hassan, M. K. (2018). Financial inclusion and economic growth in OIC countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 43, 1-14.
  • Kim, J. (2018). Philosophy of mind. Routledge.
  • Khan, M. A. (2008). Financial development and economic growth in Pakistan: evidence based on autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach. South Asia Economic Journal, 9(2), 375-391.
  • Laldin, M. A., & Furqani, H. (2013). ‘Developing Islamic finance in the framework of Maqasid alShari’ah: understanding the ends (Maqasid) and the means (Wasa’il)’, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 6(4), 278– 289.
  • Levine, R. (2003). Finance and Growth: Theory, Evidence and Mechanisms. Minnesota: University of Minnesota and NBER.
  • Levine, R. E. (2005). "Finance and Growth: Theory and Evidence" In Philippe Aghion and Steven Daurlauf (ed); Handbook of Economic Growth Amsterdam: North Holland Elsevier Publishers.
  • Levine, R., & Zervous, S. (1998). Stock Markets, Banks and Economic Growth, American Economic Review, 88, 537-558.
  • Leyshon, A., & Thrift, N. (1995). "Geographies of financial exclusion: financial abandonment in Britain and the United States" Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series 20(3), 312-341
  • Mandel, B. R., & Seydl, J. (2016). Credit conditions and economic growth: Recent evidence from US banks. Economics Letters, 147, 63-67.
  • Martinez M. V. (2011). The Political Economy of Increased Financial Access. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirement for The Degree of Master of Public Policy to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Georgetown University.
  • McCloskey, T. W., Ott, M., Tribble, E., Khan, S. A., Teichberg, S., Paul, M. O., & Chirmule, N. (1997). Dual role of HIV Tat in regulation of apoptosis in T cells. The Journal of Immunology, 158(2), 1014-1019
  • Michael, O. B., & Sharon, O. O. (2014). Financial system, financial inclusion and economic development in Nigeria. International Journal of Management Sciences, 2(3), 139-148.
  • Mohieldin, M., Iqbal, Z., Rostom, A.M. and Fu, X. (2011). The Role of Islamic Finance in Enhancing Financial Inclusion in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries, Policy Research Working Paper 5920, World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Nkwede, F. (2015). Financial inclusion and economic growth in Africa: Insight from Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(35), 71-80.
  • Obstfeld, M. (1994). "Risk, Diversification, and Growth". The American Economic Review, 8(5), 1310-1329.
  • Okoye, L. U., Erin, O., & Modebe, N. J. (2017). Financial inclusion as a strategy for enhanced economic growth and development. The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 1-14.
  • Omojolaibi, J. A. (2017). Financial Inclusion, Governance and Economic Progress inNigeria: What Happens to the Welfare of the Poor?. Oman Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 34(93), 1- 14.
  • Onaolapo, A. R. (2015). Effects of financial inclusion on the economic growth of Nigeria (1982-2012). International Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(8), 11-28.
  • Osoba, A. M. (1987). Small-Scale Enterprises in the Development Process, In Osoba, A.M. (Eds.). Towards the Development of Small- Scale Industries in Nigeria, NISER, Ibadan. 8- 24
  • Rafindadi, A. A., & Yusof, Z. (2013). Is financial development a factor to the leading growth profile of the South African economy? Measuring and uncovering the hidden secret. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER), 1(9), 99-112.
  • Rajan, R. G., & Zingales, L. (2003). Saving Capitalism from Capitalists, Crown Business, New York
  • Rangarajan, C. (2008). Report of the Committee on Financial inclusion. Government of India. Rostow, W. W., & Rostow, W. W. (1990). The stages of economic growth: A non-communist manifesto. Cambridge university press.
  • Sampson, D. (2012). Definitions of Economic Development: International Economic Development Council (IEDC)
  • Sarma, M., & Pais, J. (2010). Financial inclusion and development: A cross country analysis, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, 1-28.
  • Åžendeniz-Yüncü, Ä°., Akdeniz, L., & AydoÄŸan, K. (2007). Futures market development and economic growth (pp. 1-44). Working Paper Series Bilkent University.
  • Shaikh, S. A. (2018). Role of Islamic banking in financial inclusiveness in Pakistan: promise, performance and prospects. International Journal of FinancialServices Management, 9(1), 88-102.
  • Sharma, D. (2016). Nexus between financial inclusion and economic growth: evidence from the emerging Indian economy. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 8(1), 13-36.
  • Shihadeh, F. H., Hannon, A., Guan, J., Haq, I. U., & Wang, X. (2018). Does Financial Inclusion Improve the Banks’ Performance? Evidence from Jordan. In Global Tensions in Financial Markets (117-138). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Snellman, J. S., Vesala J., Humphrey, D. B. (2001). Substitution of Noncash Payment Instruments for Cash in Europe, Journal of Financial Services Research, 19 (2/3), 131-145.
  • State bank of Pakistan (SBP) What is Financial Inclusion? See for further
  • Stahl, C. W., & Arnold, F. (1986). ‘Overseas Workers’ Remittances in Asian Development’. International MigrationReview, 20(4), 899-925.
  • Stijn, C., Patrick, H., & Liliana, R. (2009). Policy Principles for Expanding Financial Access. Journal of international development, 28, 75-90. Swamy, V. (2012). Bank-based financial intermediation for financial inclusion and inclusive growth.
  • Vaithilingam, S., Guru, B. K., & Shanmugam, B. (2003). Bank lending and economic growth in Malaysia. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 5(1), 51-69.
  • Wang, X. h., & Shihadeh, F. h. (2015). Financial inclusion: policies, status, and challenges in Palestine. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 7(8), 196–207.
  • World Bank. (1993). The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy, New York:
  • Xu, Z. (2000). Financial development, investment, and economic growth. Economic inquiry, 38(2), 331-344.
  • Abu-Bader, S., & Abu-Qarn, A. S. (2008). Financial development and economic growth: empirical evidence from six MENA countries. Review of Development Economics, 12(4), 803-817.
  • Afolabi, M. O. (2013). Growth effect of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) financing in Nigeria. Journal of African Macroeconomic Review, 3(1),
  • Ahmed, S. M., & Ansari, M. I. (1998). Financial sector development and economic growth: The South-Asian experience. Journal of Asian Economics, 9(3), 503-517.
  • Ardic, O. P., & Damar, H. E. (2006). Financial Sector Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey. Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies (MEEA Online Journal).
  • Amrullah, A. (2017). Relationship of family role with puskesmas services in family members that suffer kusta disease. Muhammadiyah Nursing Journal , 1(1), 72-78.
  • Beck, T., Demirgüc-Kunt, A., & Levine, R. (2007). Finance, Inequality and the Poor, Journal of
  • Economic Growth 12, 27–49.
  • Ben Naceur, S. (2014). Access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises in the MENAP and CCA regions. International Monetary Fund.
  • Bigirimana, M., & Hongyi, X. (2018). Research on Relationship between Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth of Rwanda: Evidence from Commercial Banks with ARDL Approach. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 4(1),7-18.
  • Brito, D. L., & Hartley P. R. (1995). “Consumer Rationality and Credit Cards”, Journal of Political Economy, 103, 400-33.
  • Bruhn, M., & Love, I. (2014). The real impact of improved access to finance: Evidence from Mexico. The Journal of Finance, 69(3), 1347-1376.
  • Cameron, R. E. (1967). Banking in the early stages of industrialization: a study in comparative economic history. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Chami, R., Fullenkamp, C., & Jahjah, S. (2005). ‘Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source of Capital for Development?’. Washington, DC: IMF.
  • Chapra, M. U. (1979). Objectives of the Islamic Economic Order, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
  • Chaudhry, M. S. (1999). Fundamentals of Islamic Economic System, Burhan Education and Welfare Trust, Lahore.
  • Chow, K. M., & Li, P. K. T. (2012). Dialysis: Choice of dialysis—what to do with economic incentives. Nature Reviews Nephrology, 8(9), 495.
  • Collins, D., Murdoch, J., Rutherford, S., & Ruthven, O. (2009). Portfolios of the Poor: How the world's poor live on $ 2 a day, (Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press).
  • Columba, F. (2009), “Narrow money and transaction technology: new disaggregated evidence”, Journal of Economics and Business, 61, 312-325.
  • Convoy, J. (2005). APEC and Financial Inclusion: Missed Opportunities for Collective Action? Assia-Pacific Development Journal, 12(1),
  • Daly, S., & Frikha, M. (2016). Banks and economic growth in developing countries: What about Islamic banks?. Cogent Economics & Finance, 4(1), 1168728.
  • Demetriades, P. O., & Luintel, K. B. (1996). Financial development, economic growth and banking sector controls: evidence from India. The Economic Journal, 106(435), 359- 374.
  • Demirguc-Kunt, A., & Klapper, L. (2012). Measuring financial inclusion: The global findex database. The World Bank.
  • Demirguc-Kunt, A., & Levine, R. E. (2008). Finance Financial sector policies, and Long Run
  • Growth" M. sperce Growth commission Background paper, No 11 Washington, D. C. world Bank.
  • Drehmann, M., Goodhart, C., & Krueger, M. (2002). The Challenges Facing Currency Usage: Will the Traditional Transaction Medium Be Able to Resist Competition from the New Technologies?, Economic Policy – a European Forum, 17(34), 193–228.
  • Evans, O. (2015). The effects of economic and financial development on financial inclusion in Africa.
  • Gardeva, A. & Rhyne, E. (2011). Opportunities and Obstacles to Financial Inclusion Survey
  • Report. Center for Financial Inclusion Publication
  • Goldberger, J. J., Bonow, R. O., Cuffe, M., Dyer, A., Greenland, P., Rosenberg, Y., & Smith, S. (2008). Post–myocardial infarction β- blocker therapy: The bradycardia conundrum. Rationale and design for the Pacemaker & β-blocker therapy post-MI (PACE-MI) trial. American heart journal, 155(3), 455-464.
  • Han, R., & Melecky, M. (2013). Financial Inclusion for Financial Stability: Access to Bank Deposits and the Growth of Deposits in the Global Financial Crisis. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 6577, World Bank
  • Hariharan, G., & Marktanner, M. (2012). The growth potential from financial inclusion. ICA Institute and Kennesaw State University.
  • Hasan, I., De Renzis, T., & Schmiedel, H. (2012). Retail payments and economic growth.
  • Humphrey, D. B., Pulley, L. B., & Vesala, J. M. (1996). “Cash, Paper and Electronic Payments: A Cross-Country Analysis”. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 28, 914- 39.
  • Ifeakachukwu, N. P., & Olasunkanmi, O. I. (2013). The impact of banks loan to SMES on manufacturing output in Nigeria. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 4(5), 212– 217.
  • Joseph, J., & Varghese, T. (2014). Role of financial inclusion in the development of Indian economy. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 5, 6-13.
  • Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age International. Kim, D. W., Yu, J. S., & Hassan, M. K. (2018). Financial inclusion and economic growth in OIC countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 43, 1-14.
  • Kim, J. (2018). Philosophy of mind. Routledge.
  • Khan, M. A. (2008). Financial development and economic growth in Pakistan: evidence based on autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach. South Asia Economic Journal, 9(2), 375-391.
  • Laldin, M. A., & Furqani, H. (2013). ‘Developing Islamic finance in the framework of Maqasid alShari’ah: understanding the ends (Maqasid) and the means (Wasa’il)’, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 6(4), 278– 289.
  • Levine, R. (2003). Finance and Growth: Theory, Evidence and Mechanisms. Minnesota: University of Minnesota and NBER.
  • Levine, R. E. (2005). "Finance and Growth: Theory and Evidence" In Philippe Aghion and Steven Daurlauf (ed); Handbook of Economic Growth Amsterdam: North Holland Elsevier Publishers.
  • Levine, R., & Zervous, S. (1998). Stock Markets, Banks and Economic Growth, American Economic Review, 88, 537-558.
  • Leyshon, A., & Thrift, N. (1995). "Geographies of financial exclusion: financial abandonment in Britain and the United States" Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series 20(3), 312-341
  • Mandel, B. R., & Seydl, J. (2016). Credit conditions and economic growth: Recent evidence from US banks. Economics Letters, 147, 63-67.
  • Martinez M. V. (2011). The Political Economy of Increased Financial Access. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirement for The Degree of Master of Public Policy to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Georgetown University.
  • McCloskey, T. W., Ott, M., Tribble, E., Khan, S. A., Teichberg, S., Paul, M. O., & Chirmule, N. (1997). Dual role of HIV Tat in regulation of apoptosis in T cells. The Journal of Immunology, 158(2), 1014-1019
  • Michael, O. B., & Sharon, O. O. (2014). Financial system, financial inclusion and economic development in Nigeria. International Journal of Management Sciences, 2(3), 139-148.
  • Mohieldin, M., Iqbal, Z., Rostom, A.M. and Fu, X. (2011). The Role of Islamic Finance in Enhancing Financial Inclusion in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries, Policy Research Working Paper 5920, World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Nkwede, F. (2015). Financial inclusion and economic growth in Africa: Insight from Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(35), 71-80.
  • Obstfeld, M. (1994). "Risk, Diversification, and Growth". The American Economic Review, 8(5), 1310-1329.
  • Okoye, L. U., Erin, O., & Modebe, N. J. (2017). Financial inclusion as a strategy for enhanced economic growth and development. The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 1-14.
  • Omojolaibi, J. A. (2017). Financial Inclusion, Governance and Economic Progress inNigeria: What Happens to the Welfare of the Poor?. Oman Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 34(93), 1- 14.
  • Onaolapo, A. R. (2015). Effects of financial inclusion on the economic growth of Nigeria (1982-2012). International Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(8), 11-28.
  • Osoba, A. M. (1987). Small-Scale Enterprises in the Development Process, In Osoba, A.M. (Eds.). Towards the Development of Small- Scale Industries in Nigeria, NISER, Ibadan. 8- 24
  • Rafindadi, A. A., & Yusof, Z. (2013). Is financial development a factor to the leading growth profile of the South African economy? Measuring and uncovering the hidden secret. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER), 1(9), 99-112.
  • Rajan, R. G., & Zingales, L. (2003). Saving Capitalism from Capitalists, Crown Business, New York
  • Rangarajan, C. (2008). Report of the Committee on Financial inclusion. Government of India. Rostow, W. W., & Rostow, W. W. (1990). The stages of economic growth: A non-communist manifesto. Cambridge university press.
  • Sampson, D. (2012). Definitions of Economic Development: International Economic Development Council (IEDC)
  • Sarma, M., & Pais, J. (2010). Financial inclusion and development: A cross country analysis, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, 1-28.
  • Åžendeniz-Yüncü, Ä°., Akdeniz, L., & AydoÄŸan, K. (2007). Futures market development and economic growth (pp. 1-44). Working Paper Series Bilkent University.
  • Shaikh, S. A. (2018). Role of Islamic banking in financial inclusiveness in Pakistan: promise, performance and prospects. International Journal of FinancialServices Management, 9(1), 88-102.
  • Sharma, D. (2016). Nexus between financial inclusion and economic growth: evidence from the emerging Indian economy. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 8(1), 13-36.
  • Shihadeh, F. H., Hannon, A., Guan, J., Haq, I. U., & Wang, X. (2018). Does Financial Inclusion Improve the Banks’ Performance? Evidence from Jordan. In Global Tensions in Financial Markets (117-138). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Snellman, J. S., Vesala J., Humphrey, D. B. (2001). Substitution of Noncash Payment Instruments for Cash in Europe, Journal of Financial Services Research, 19 (2/3), 131-145.
  • State bank of Pakistan (SBP) What is Financial Inclusion? See for further
  • Stahl, C. W., & Arnold, F. (1986). ‘Overseas Workers’ Remittances in Asian Development’. International MigrationReview, 20(4), 899-925.
  • Stijn, C., Patrick, H., & Liliana, R. (2009). Policy Principles for Expanding Financial Access. Journal of international development, 28, 75-90. Swamy, V. (2012). Bank-based financial intermediation for financial inclusion and inclusive growth.
  • Vaithilingam, S., Guru, B. K., & Shanmugam, B. (2003). Bank lending and economic growth in Malaysia. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 5(1), 51-69.
  • Wang, X. h., & Shihadeh, F. h. (2015). Financial inclusion: policies, status, and challenges in Palestine. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 7(8), 196–207.
  • World Bank. (1993). The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy, New York:
  • Xu, Z. (2000). Financial development, investment, and economic growth. Economic inquiry, 38(2), 331-344.

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    APA : Najeeb, M., & Hussain, T. (2022). The Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Economic Growth of Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan. Global Management Sciences Review, VII(I), 1-19.
    CHICAGO : Najeeb, Muhammad, and Talat Hussain. 2022. "The Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Economic Growth of Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, VII (I): 1-19 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2022(VII-I).01
    HARVARD : NAJEEB, M. & HUSSAIN, T. 2022. The Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Economic Growth of Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan. Global Management Sciences Review, VII, 1-19.
    MHRA : Najeeb, Muhammad, and Talat Hussain. 2022. "The Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Economic Growth of Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, VII: 1-19
    MLA : Najeeb, Muhammad, and Talat Hussain. "The Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Economic Growth of Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, VII.I (2022): 1-19 Print.
    OXFORD : Najeeb, Muhammad and Hussain, Talat (2022), "The Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Economic Growth of Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan", Global Management Sciences Review, VII (I), 1-19
    TURABIAN : Najeeb, Muhammad, and Talat Hussain. "The Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Economic Growth of Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review VII, no. I (2022): 1-19.