02 Pages : 8-21      10.31703/gmsr.2020(V-I).02      Published : Mar 2020

An Intention to Select Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: A Case of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Entrepreneurship Programs

    This paper examines the entrepreneurial orientation amongst the students acquiring entrepreneurial education at center for entrepreneurial development at IBA Karachi. This research contributes to the literature through its theoretical model, which tests entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate students through Smart PLS 3.0. A quantitative research method has been adopted. Entrepreneurial skills & competencies and entrepreneurial knowledge are taken as independent variables. Entrepreneurial career option is dependent variable. Effectuation is taken as a mediating variable. The model has been applied on a sample of 250 undergraduate students, who enrolled in different entrepreneurship programs of Karachi (Example: Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program (STEP) and International Entrepreneurship Winter School (IEWS) at IBA CED. The results of the study showed that effectuation significantly mediates the association between entrepreneurial skills & competencies and entrepreneurial career option. The study affirms that effectuation is a mediator in the association between entrepreneurial knowledge & awareness and entrepreneurial career option. The implications of this research will be helpful for academicians, research scholars and policy makers, working in the entrepreneurial development sector. The research will contribute to the existing literature through the entrepreneurship model

    Entrepreneurial Education, Entrepreneurial Career Option, Effectuation
    (1) Shahid Qureshi
    Associate Professor & Director, Faculty of Management Science & Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CED), Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Misbah Amin
    Researcher & Case Writer, Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CED), Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (3) Abdullah Mustafa
    Researcher & Coordinator - NEP, Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CED), Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
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    APA : Qureshi, S., Amin, M., & Mustafa, A. (2020). An Intention to Select Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: A Case of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Entrepreneurship Programs. Global Management Sciences Review, V(I), 8-21.
    CHICAGO : Qureshi, Shahid, Misbah Amin, and Abdullah Mustafa. 2020. "An Intention to Select Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: A Case of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Entrepreneurship Programs." Global Management Sciences Review, V (I): 8-21 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2020(V-I).02
    HARVARD : QURESHI, S., AMIN, M. & MUSTAFA, A. 2020. An Intention to Select Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: A Case of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Entrepreneurship Programs. Global Management Sciences Review, V, 8-21.
    MHRA : Qureshi, Shahid, Misbah Amin, and Abdullah Mustafa. 2020. "An Intention to Select Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: A Case of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Entrepreneurship Programs." Global Management Sciences Review, V: 8-21
    MLA : Qureshi, Shahid, Misbah Amin, and Abdullah Mustafa. "An Intention to Select Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: A Case of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Entrepreneurship Programs." Global Management Sciences Review, V.I (2020): 8-21 Print.
    OXFORD : Qureshi, Shahid, Amin, Misbah, and Mustafa, Abdullah (2020), "An Intention to Select Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: A Case of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Entrepreneurship Programs", Global Management Sciences Review, V (I), 8-21
    TURABIAN : Qureshi, Shahid, Misbah Amin, and Abdullah Mustafa. "An Intention to Select Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: A Case of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Entrepreneurship Programs." Global Management Sciences Review V, no. I (2020): 8-21.