Published : Sep 2021
Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Project Success: The Moderating Role of Task Interdependence
For maintaining a competitive mindset in a company there are different kinds of tactics used for knowledge sharing in an organization but there is a new concept known as knowledge hiding and we would be discussing how knowledge hiding could be beneficial for an organization. For better understanding and results this study is also supported by questionnaire data. The sample size comprised 123 respondents. The results indicate that knowledge hiding is negatively linked with project success and results further confirm the moderating role of task interdependence between knowledge hiding and project success.
Knowledge hiding, Project Success, Task Interdependence
(1) Wajiha Batool
Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
(2) Ali Sheraz Bugti
Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Asad
Lecturer of Management Sciences, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Batool, W., Bugti, A. S., & Asad, M. (2021). Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Project Success: The Moderating Role of Task Interdependence. Global Management Sciences Review, VI(III), 71-82.
CHICAGO : Batool, Wajiha, Ali Sheraz Bugti, and Muhammad Asad. 2021. "Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Project Success: The Moderating Role of Task Interdependence." Global Management Sciences Review, VI (III): 71-82 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2021(VI-III).05
HARVARD : BATOOL, W., BUGTI, A. S. & ASAD, M. 2021. Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Project Success: The Moderating Role of Task Interdependence. Global Management Sciences Review, VI, 71-82.
MHRA : Batool, Wajiha, Ali Sheraz Bugti, and Muhammad Asad. 2021. "Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Project Success: The Moderating Role of Task Interdependence." Global Management Sciences Review, VI: 71-82
MLA : Batool, Wajiha, Ali Sheraz Bugti, and Muhammad Asad. "Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Project Success: The Moderating Role of Task Interdependence." Global Management Sciences Review, VI.III (2021): 71-82 Print.
OXFORD : Batool, Wajiha, Bugti, Ali Sheraz, and Asad, Muhammad (2021), "Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Project Success: The Moderating Role of Task Interdependence", Global Management Sciences Review, VI (III), 71-82
TURABIAN : Batool, Wajiha, Ali Sheraz Bugti, and Muhammad Asad. "Impact of Knowledge Hiding on Project Success: The Moderating Role of Task Interdependence." Global Management Sciences Review VI, no. III (2021): 71-82.