03 Pages : 34-53      10.31703/gmsr.2023(VIII-I).03      Published : Dec 2023

The Role of Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Business Model Innovation: A Dynamic Capability View

    The research aims to identify the function of big data analytics to attain competitive advantage through the mediation of business model innovation.260 samples were taken from experts in Pakistan's manufacturing & service sectors. Data analysis was done using (Smart PLS). The findings demonstrate that big data analysis capability (BDAC) has a considerable impact on competitive advantage. By using big data, companies can make rational, data-driven decisions to satisfy customers, sustain and resilient supply chain management, low production costs, and efficient and effective business operations. Similar to how BC affects competitive advantage, business model innovation partially mediates this effect. Additionally, the influence of BDAC on both competitive advantages & new business model innovation is moderated by organizational IT infrastructure. This research presents a unique scenario of big data analytics in which firms use bid data inside to innovate their established business models, resulting in considerable competitive advantage in emerging countries like Pakistan.

    Big Data, Competitive Advantage, Innovation, Dynamic Capability
    (1) Syed Aamir Alam Rizvi
    Research Scholar, Institute of Business Management, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Mohsin Ali
    Lecturer, National Textile University, Karachi Campus, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (3) Hasan Raza
    Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, University of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
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    APA : Rizvi, S. A. A., Ali, M., & Raza, H. (2023). The Role of Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Business Model Innovation: A Dynamic Capability View. Global Management Sciences Review, VIII(I), 34-53.
    CHICAGO : Rizvi, Syed Aamir Alam, Mohsin Ali, and Hasan Raza. 2023. "The Role of Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Business Model Innovation: A Dynamic Capability View." Global Management Sciences Review, VIII (I): 34-53 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2023(VIII-I).03
    HARVARD : RIZVI, S. A. A., ALI, M. & RAZA, H. 2023. The Role of Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Business Model Innovation: A Dynamic Capability View. Global Management Sciences Review, VIII, 34-53.
    MHRA : Rizvi, Syed Aamir Alam, Mohsin Ali, and Hasan Raza. 2023. "The Role of Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Business Model Innovation: A Dynamic Capability View." Global Management Sciences Review, VIII: 34-53
    MLA : Rizvi, Syed Aamir Alam, Mohsin Ali, and Hasan Raza. "The Role of Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Business Model Innovation: A Dynamic Capability View." Global Management Sciences Review, VIII.I (2023): 34-53 Print.
    OXFORD : Rizvi, Syed Aamir Alam, Ali, Mohsin, and Raza, Hasan (2023), "The Role of Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Business Model Innovation: A Dynamic Capability View", Global Management Sciences Review, VIII (I), 34-53
    TURABIAN : Rizvi, Syed Aamir Alam, Mohsin Ali, and Hasan Raza. "The Role of Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Business Model Innovation: A Dynamic Capability View." Global Management Sciences Review VIII, no. I (2023): 34-53.